CZECRIN Annual Scientific Conference

The CZECRIN research infrastructure invites all interested parties to its annual scientific conference 2021. The conference program is already out there and you can view it on the CZECRIN website. If you are interested in a topic, but you have already blocked the date, you can still register for the conference and get a record of the entire conference.

If you are already looking forward to the conference and would like to shorten the wait, CZECRIN has prepared a small competition quiz for you, in which you can test your knowledge of CZECRIN and clinical research and you can also participate in the prize draw by participating. Attention, if you want to participate in the draw, you must be registered for the conference. The evaluation of the quiz will take place at the end of the CZECRIN Conference.

The CZECRIN research infrastructure, which is part of the pan-European ECRIN-ERIC network, offers its support, services and expertise to all research-oriented physicians in order to join forces in a rapid approach to the initiation of national and especially transnational clinical trials.
St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno and International Clinical Research Center, together with Masaryk University, is a founding member and main coordinator of this Czech national infrastructure.