The International Clinical Research Center (ICRC) at St. Anne’s University Hospital (FNUSA) is a scientific research institution. We focus on preclinical and clinical research, particularly in the areas of cardiology, neurology and oncology, with the aim of improving patient care. In July 2022, we became a joint workplace of FNUSA and the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University (LFMU) in Brno. We also have joint research teams with the Faculty of Science of MU and the Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and close cooperation with the Veterinary Research Institute (VÚVEL) and the Faculty of Pharmacy of MU.

The International Clinical Research Center (ICRC) was established in 2011 as an integral part of St. Anne’s University Hospital in Brno (FNUSA) and has become the only EU-funded preclinical and clinical medical research infrastructure in the Czech Republic. Thus, a unique research institution within FNUSA was born with the aim of testing and translating clinical findings into basic research and basic research into clinical practice. In January 2022, Prof. Irena Rektorova, M.D., Ph.D., took up the position of scientific and executive director of the institution. During her mandate, in July of the same year, the ICRC becomes a joint workplace of FNUSA and LFMU and Rektorova is appointed Head of the Center.

We integrate international multidisciplinary research with education and training through an international exchange of ideas and personnel for the benefit of patients, not only in FNUSA. A significant role in the successful establishment of our research institute was played by our partnership with the Mayo Clinic, which continues to be our main strategic international partner. The implementation of Mayo Clinic’s motto “three shields”, symbolizing the integration of research, clinical practice and medical education into a patient-centred approach, is key for us. In more than 10 years of our existence, we have built a research infrastructure, an internationally competitive research portfolio, and established the evaluation of research teams by the International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB).

We have established collaborative networks with academia and industry and patented our first discoveries. We have become a centre of excellence in preclinical and clinical medical and biomedical research. Today, we are proud to employ more than 400 people from 18 countries. We have 23 research teams and 6 core facilities that offer their services to scientists inside FNUSA, but also outside our institution. This number will flexibly change in the future to ensure that our institution is financially sustainable and that our research consistently meets the conditions of excellence, allowing for growth, while reflecting current global research trends in the fields of our expertise. During 2016-2020, the ICRC was funded by the National Sustainability Programme (NPU II). Currently, we are administratively coordinating the EXCELES project for FNUSA within the National Programme of Restoration (NPO), whose scientific director is prof. MUDr. Milan Brázdil. The project called the National Institute for Neurological Research (NINR) focuses mainly on research of neurodegenerative brain diseases. We are preparing for involvement in other national strategic programmes and our scientists are successful in obtaining grants under individual European, international and national grant schemes as well as in obtaining contracted research. In the future, we will strive for even greater internationalisation, greater collaboration with industry and for winning the most prestigious European and international grant projects.