FNUSA-ICRC hosted the visit of Nick Archer, the new Ambassador of the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
FNUSA-ICRC cooperates extensively with British scientists and research institutions, despite the British exit from the European Union. FNUSA-ICRC researchers are currently involved in the implementation of several international research projects funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research program, such as the CresPace project led by University of Bath in southwestern England, which aims to develop a new bio-electronic pacemaker, or ES-Cat project led by the University of Cambridge, which focuses on searching new proteins and their use in medicine or biotechnology. In cooperation with a Liverpool company, FNUSA-ICRC is trying to develop antibodies against the onset of Alzheimer’s disease – this project has been financially supported by the South Moravian Region. Bilateral co-operation in science and innovation is very much supported by the new Ambassador who has identified this area as one of the major priorities.