Kardiovize 2030 saves lives

The new principal investigator of the research team Kardiovize 2030 of the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno (FNUSA-ICRC) became Juan Pablo Gonzalez Rivas MD. Congratulations on obtaining this prestigious position, and because the journey of Dr. Rivas from Venezuela to Brno was not easy, we asked him for a short interview. We had no idea how complicated it really was, and without exaggeration we dare to compare it to a Hollywood thriller. Equally interesting and extremely ambitious, however, are the plans of the Kardiovize 2030 team for the coming years. When everything goes as it should, not only the inhabitants of the city of Brno will feel it, but it will have a positive impact on the quality of life of the entire Czech population..

1. From Venezuela to the Czech Republic. This is a real change and certainly not just geographical. What surprised you the most in Brno?
I can say that the biggest surprise is that there was not a big surprise. There are obvious differences between a highly organized country, like the Czech Republic, and a highly disorganized country, like Venezuela, including transportation, security, economy, and so on. Because of the rich history of the Czech Republic, we expected a huge cultural difference with my natal country, but this was not completely true. Czech Republic is highly globalized, you can find in Brno all the products, brands, and services that you can need in America or other parts of the world, this facilitated our adaptation, for example, we found in Brno “Harina Pan®” a pre-cooked white maize product that we use to prepare “arepa” the most typical food of Venezuela.

