The FNUSA-ICRC Sleep Center organized the eighth Course of Sleep Technicians

Last week, the Cardiovascular Sleep Research Center trained for the eighth time sleep technicians, the presence of which is a condition for the accreditation of a workplace providing diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. The…

Researchers tested the surfaces at FNUSA for the presence of coronavirus

Researchers from the Center for Translational Medicine of the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne's University Hospital Brno (FNUSA-ICRC) has recently performed their own testing of various surfaces for the presence…

New system for monitoring bed and device capacities

The COVID-19 pandemic is challenge not only for doctors, healthcare professionals or scientists, but also for their technical and IT support. For example, the Ministry of Health has prepared a web application for monitoring inpatient…

FNUSA-ICRC laboratories test cellular immunity against COVID-19

Scientists in the laboratories of the Center for Cell and Tissue Engineering Facility of the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne's University Hospital Brno (FNUSA-ICRC) was the first and so far the only workplace in…

To Pea, or not to Pea… that is the question!

The pun in the introduction may seem inappropriate, but it has its justification. It relates to a project with a same name - To Pea, or not to Pea… Hamlet's call was modified to refer to the pea plant, which is inseparably linked…

Surface tests in the hospital will reassure visitors

St. Anne's University Hospital Brno was selected as one of two hospitals in the Czech Republic for the care of patients with severe COVID-19. This is also related to a number of measures that had to be implemented in the hospital.…

FNUSA-ICRC tested Italian face masks

The International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne's University Hospital Brno actively participated in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic also by testing face masks. Due to the situation in Italy, where it was difficult…

The FNUSA International Clinical Research Centre has a new director

Pavel Iványi, LL.M., MBA, is the successor of Gorazd Bernard Stokin MD, Ph.D. as the new director of the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne's University Hospital in Brno as of May 4th, 2020. Gorazd B. Stokin chaired…

Marco Cassani: The iCARE-2 fellowship is a dream come true

Marco Cassani Ph.D., postdoctoral researcher in the Cardiovascular System Mechanobiology (CSM) Research Team achieved significant success. With his project "Mechanobiology-mediated nanoparticles-cells interactions to develop immunotherapy…

VVI CZECRIN brings up-to-date information on activities related to COVID-19

The CZECRIN research infrastructure, which is part of the pan-European ECRIN-ERIC network, offers its support, services and expertise to all research-oriented doctors in order to engage their forces with quick access to initiate national…