ICRC and FaF MU: joining forces for better diagnosis and treatment
On Friday 9 June 2023, the Director of St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno (FNUSA), Ing. Vlastimil Vajdák, and the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Masaryk University (FaF MU), prof. PharmDr. Mgr. David Vetchý, Ph.D., signed an agreement on building and operating a joint research facility. It will be established through the cooperation of the FaF MU and the International Clinical Research Centre (ICRC). The best scientific capacities of both institutions will thus be able to newly use the common space for cutting-edge research.

Photo: signing the agreement; left to right: prof. PharmDr. Mgr. David Vetchý, Ph.D., prof. MUDr. Irena Rektorová, Ph.D. a Ing. Vlastimil Vajdák
“By signing the agreement with FNUSA, we are building on our previous successful cooperation with the ICRC. The Faculty of Pharmacy prides itself on the practical form of teaching already during studies, including the use of scientific research opportunities. Involving young employees in complex projects implemented at a joint workplace can increase their professional level and enable them to establish new contacts with experienced scientists,” explained prof. Vetchý.
The agreement envisages the establishment and operation of a joint research facility focused on preclinical and clinical research, i.e. research in laboratory conditions as well as in interaction with patients. The purpose is mainly the development and testing of new drugs and medical devices, i.e. a wide range of devices used in healthcare, e.g. from surgical sutures, to catheters and sophisticated diagnostic devices. It is to confirm their effectiveness and efficacy that clinical trials are used, which also confirms their safety.
As Director Vajdák added: “The added value of FNUSA is the functional background for clinical trials. We believe that the partnership with FaF MU will bring new solutions for better diagnosis and treatment. At the same time, the joint facility will offer the possibility of contracted research to third parties.”
For the ICRC head, prof. Irena Rektova, M.D., Ph.D., the contract is also a new opportunity for joint grant applications. “The linking of top scientists from both departments promises to increase the prestige of our institutions and the opportunity to reach out to other talents from the Czech Republic and abroad. The Faculty of Science is the third MU faculty with which we are deepening our cooperation and thus effectively linking the academic, research and application spheres,” concludes Prof. Rektorová.

Photo: deepening the collaboration between representatives of the FaF MU a FNUSA
Author: Marta Vrlová, M.A., MPH, Senior PR Specialist ICRC, marta.vrlova@fnusa.cz.
Media contacts:
- Jiří Erlebach, Head of PR and Marketing Department, Spokesperson of FNUSA, +420 543 182 006. jiri.erlebach@fnusa.cz.
- Mgr et. Mgr Hana Brožová, Office for External Relations and Marketing, FaF MU, +420 770 139 562, brozovah@pharm.muni.cz.
ICRC is a joint workplace of FNUSA and the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University.