A world expert visited our cultivation facility

The experimental cannabis cultivation facility of the St. Anne’s University Hospital in Brno and its International Clinical Research Center is attracting attention in its second year of existence. It is no wonder, it is a unique connection of its own research cultivation to the teams of the research centre, i.e. a guarantee of standardised material for research on active substances contained in cannabis.

Ensuring the pharmaceutical quality of the cannabis grown requires, in addition to very strict hygiene measures, precise rules for plant nutrition. “We have chosen a basalt wool cultivation system with drip irrigation control with precise monitoring and control of all external factors – light, heat or humidity,” described MVDr. Václav Trojan, Ph.D. from the Cannabis Research Center of the International Clinical Research Center of FNUSA.

It is with the management and control of all these external factors that Canna company helps our growers. The company cooperates with Pieter Klaassen, a legend in the field of growing plants in artificial conditions, and the Dutch expert also came to Brno. “His experience is really unique, we introduced him to our irrigation system and light regime and then just listened to his advice on how to improve it all,” said Václav Trojan.

The next harvest of medicinal cannabis is planned for this spring, so we will see if it will be better than the first one.
