Dr. Ernst z Imperial College London navštívila FNUSA-ICRC
FNUSA-ICRC was privileged to host Dr. Sabine Ernst from Faculty of Medicine and National Heart & Lung Institute of Imperial College London. Visit of Dr. Ernst was a part of the proces of setting-up collaboration between both institutions in the field of cardiology. Prior to the visit of Dr. Ernst there were several meetings in Munich and London and there was a workshop organized by FNUSA-ICRC with Prof. Dr. John Cleland and two other colleagues from Imperial College London. Both institutions also attended the Czech Heart Day in London. During her visit, Dr. Ernst had the opportunity to see the FNUSA-ICRC Cardio teams, to discuss future collaboration with FNUSA-ICRC Chair and our Grant Support Center. Dr. Ernst also gave a public lecture “Review of remote magnetic navigation: from first in man to advanced complex ablation procedures” for members of ICRC and Cardiology Department of FNUSA.