The European Commission has awarded the prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award (HR Award) to our center

Improving the quality of care for human resources, transparent recruitment and selection of employees, support for the development of professional growth, equal working and salary conditions for women and men and many other benefits. All this means the HR AWARD, which confirms that the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno (FNUSA-ICRC) guarantees excellence in caring for the working conditions of her researchers.
The award given by the European Commission is one of the most prestigious in the field of HR and is widely recognized in the international scientific community. “In the case of a foreign job applicant at our center, inquiries about the HR AWARD are very common,” confirmed Silvia Vašulková, HR Award Officer of FNUSA-ICRC. The share of foreign workers in our center is very high, out of the total number of 425 employees it is almost twenty-five percent.
However, the work on improving processes in the field of HR does not end there, on the contrary. “Now we have and want to fulfill all the projects and tasks contained in our action plan, in two years we will have an internal evaluation and its eventual revision,” added Silvia Vašulková. After its implementation, our center awaits evaluation directly by the European Commission.

All information about HR AWARD can be found here: