New Web Server Aids Research into Neurodegenerative Diseases

Protein aggregation is a complex biological process linked to various devastating human diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Accurate prediction of protein aggregation propensity is crucial for developing effective treatments and…

The Filipino delegation of Senator Robinhood Padilla visited the ICRC. They aim to draw inspiration from cannabis research and treatment

The International Clinical Research Center (ICRC), a joint facility of St. Anne's University Hospital in Brno and the Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University, hosted a delegation from the Philippines on Thursday, July 11. Senator…

Advice to young scientists? Don’t give up! There are many failures for every success, says Julia Anna Kent

Julia Anna Kent is a young and successful researcher. A student of General Medicine, she has been engaged in scientific activities since 2018 as part of the P-Pool program at the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University. Initially, she worked…

“By legalizing cannabis, recreational consumption has not increased anywhere yet,” says scientist Lumír Hanuš

Chemist Lumír Ondřej Hanuš is a legend in the field of cannabis science. He was born in Olomouc and spent a significant part of his professional life at the local university. In 1990, Professor Raphael Mechoulam invited him to Israel, where…

Scientists empower the computational design of biotherapeutics

Anton Bushuiev, Roman Bushuiev as well as several other researchers from the team of Josef Šivic at CIIRC CTU, in collaboration with the team of Stanislav Mazurenko at Loschmidt Laboratories at Masaryk University and International Clinical…

Advances in skin melanoma research: scientists introduce a new model suitable for analyzing circulating tumor cells

Scientists from the International Clinical Research Center (ICRC), Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Masaryk University have developed a model of melanoma, a malignant skin tumor that spontaneously metastasizes to…

9th Annual Cannabis and Science Conference

Experts from the Czech Republic and abroad gathered at the Brno Observatory on Wednesday, April 24th, to participate in a full-day program of lectures and discussions on research, cultivation, hemp legislation, and the use of hemp in medical…

Medical cannabis from the hospital greenhouse has reached the patients. The St. Anne’s Hospital in Brno thus has a global unique feature

The St. Anne's University Hospital in Brno is a pioneer in the field of medical cannabis. While medications from the cannabis plant have been prescribed to patients at the Pain Treatment Center of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Clinic…

Scientists from the International Clinical Research Center (ICRC) and St. Anne’s Hospital are Teaching Artificial Intelligence to Treat Hearts

Research teams from the International Clinical Research Center are involved in developing an artificial intelligence tool that will help cardiologists assess the risks of individual patients with chronic heart failure in the future. The AI4HF…