

The Cannabis and Science Conference summarised treatment and research

The sixth annual conference Cannabis and Science was held at the Brno Observatory and Planetarium. The purpose of the event is to evaluate the development of research and treatment with cannabis, education and news in this field. The conference…

The MSCA IF Mobility Support Project at FNUSA-ICRC is coming to an end

October is the last month of the MSCA IF Mobility Support Project at FNUSA-ICRC. Its main objective was to support the professional development of our centre's researchers and thus indirectly promote quality research and scientific collaboration…

Our scientists focused on the formula for calculating the hematocrit

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging is one of the most advanced non-invasive methods of obtaining information about the heart and its function. One of the methods used is T1 mapping, which allows to measure the extracellular (interstitial)…